Skinchangers: Begotten of my Flesh

“Okay Pei Mei, here I come” / I will swallow the sun.2024

Cannibalized luchador mask or Araceli 23221; orange twine, charred plastic bottles from the remains of aplanned burn to fertilize the land when I went to visit grandma for her b-day; washer parts bought aroundChinatown in CDMX; dragon skin silicone fast and very fast; earplugs from my dad’s work where he works atnight; the sweet synthetic smell of a glade cartridge that smells of jasmine; welding wire; plexiglass that wastossed but gathered during grad school; Styrofoam por la Obrera; calf hide pelts; goat legs; bull horns; myt-shirts; white car fender; upholstery string used by my mom, dad (by force), Nahual, Daniel, Karla, Emmanuelas they assisted me; orange broom bought the day I left my Ear Pods at the smart fit, exprimidor used theday of Rodrigo’s b-day to press limes and make margaritas (they were an instant hit, even doe I don’t drinklol); blue non-working headphones

Las jabalinas and the men that sweep rain water with Post-it colored brooms, 2023
Brooms cut by Father, dragon skin silicone, shoe found in parque Chapultepec, golf balls, car part Octaviogave me, cow pelt, goat leg, mariachi sombrero bought the day Will came to visit, welding rod Dimensions variable

On leg day, we do leg press and ride like Pakal2024
Matamoscas, goat pelt bought around Zócalo, dragon skin silicone very fast, white t-shirt, old broombought in Obrera, lil goat legs, black twine, triangle ruler, bike tire, bristled cleaner given to me by Karla andRodrigo, dried Renuzit from Mother’s bathroom, clipper combs, green blenderDimensions variable

Harkonnen suit, a bull emerging into the moonlight, and the vacuum from Home Depot that sucks up cucarachasand cosmic dust from the air (2024)
Goat leg, burnt red battery piece found on Calle Fernando de Alva; zapato de Villa Lopez, Chihuahuacuando fui al cumpleaños de mi abuelita; unfurled twine; goat pelt; bike tire; car part de Obrera; weldingwire; black T-shirts; broom from Mercado Jamaica, animal horn; zip ties; old crocs; tapadera27 x 19 x 57 inches

Mew, Cynthia from the Rugrats, and the Francis Bacon monkey at Museo Tamayo(2024)
Welded wire, silicone horn tips, three brooms in multiplicity for sweeping temples, dragon skin silicone,skin made of astral fluid and tentacles that descend from spirit into matter, gray t-shirt, cow horn,mariachi sombreros, goat and cow pelts, circuit boards 35 x 30 x 14 inches

Mariachi sombreros, cow horn, horn tips, black boots, white T-shirt, white socks, cow hide, silicone, twine,lint, polyfil, trash, clothes rack42 x 20 x 18 inches

A Being Mistakenly Called “La Nave de Kylo Ren” (2021)
Cannibalized goat leg, horn tips, white and black zip ties, two black t-shirts, rabbit pelt, motorcycle partfrom a man with an inflated ego driving too fast on a sharp turn on McNutt Road, blue disposable shavingstick, black twine that Gabrielle braided, welding rod, white car part lying next to a palm tree while Karlaand I were on route to get boba. That was the day I told her of the white gay from TikTok that choked onboba and how much I loved the work of Teresa Margolles and Ivana Basic. Pigmented dragon skin silicone,sandrock with motor oil that I found next to a Family Dollar that leads to the border wall and then toAnapra in Juarez, MX, white shell of a boom box the day we went to Jalisco Bar and got so drunk we hadto pee in between two cars because we wouldn’t make it home.47 x 25 x 16 inches

Hey you who gathers the stars
Hey you who you who sliced the moon open
I’ve come to be undone III. (2024)

Old queen size sheet, dragon skin silicone, cow pelt 30 x 40.5 inches

Hey you who gathers the stars
Hey you who you who sliced the moon open
I’ve come to be undone II. (2024)

Old queen size sheet, dragon skin silicone, cow pelt 30 x 40.5 inches

Hey you who gathers the stars
Hey you who you who sliced the moon open
I’ve come to be undone I. (2024)

Old queen size sheet, dragon skin silicone, cow pelt 36 x 48 inches

Carpet from lost dog trail, circuit board from a man by Zócalo, goat let, white T-shirt, straw sombrero,dragon skin silicone, golf balls, cow pelt26 x 23 x 8 inches Collection of William Wei